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The Olinger Group
Jude Olinger
601 Poydras St. Suite 1875
New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130
United States
Thank you for your participation. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. We appreciate your participation and ask that you read all questions carefully and take your time to answer thoughtfully and thoroughly. Please be advised that this survey is for research purposes only, no sales are involved and no one will contact you about your participation or answers. When you complete a screen, click the FORWARD ARROW button.
The Olinger Group, an independent marketing research firm, is studying the problems people encounter and the solutions they use in paying for prescription medicines. Your participation will be very important in trying to meet consumer prescription medicine needs. Your answers will be kept confidential, and the survey should only take about 20 minutes. Here is the first question . When you complete a screen, click the FORWARD ARROW button.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your opinions are valuable to us and help improve the Pebble Beach Pro-Am each year. When you complete a screen, click the FORWARD ARROW button.
Thank you for your participation. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. We appreciate your participation and ask that you read all questions carefully and take your time to answer thoughtfully and thoroughly. Please be advised that this survey is for research purposes only, no sales are involved and no one will contact you about your participation or answers. When you complete a screen, click the FORWARD ARROW button.